Thursday, June 24, 2010

tour continued...

Ok... so we're going to wrap up the tour, after visiting the bathroom in our last post, you'll want to go back to the hallway where you'll see this beauty straight ahead, it's our coat closet, if this apartment has one thing it's crazy awesome storage!

A little further down the hallway is our guest bedroom off to the right...

The next room up is the office, notice the two adjoining desks, how cute!

The final room is the MASTER bedroom, it brings a whole new definition to MASTER, it's HUGE! Dad and Sue were able to fit two queen airmattress on the floor next to eachother!

The only thing that is missing in a bed which will be there in a few weeks but against one wall we have our TV, window seat, and Char's dresser...

On the back left wall we have his and hers closets, so excited to get them set up, I can't even tell you!

And finally the outside of the place, it's it beautiful. So moutain skii resort meets rustic... LOVE IT! Hope you all will get to see it in person some day!

Thanks for joining us on the tour. We'll be back soon for some after moving pics. Love you all!

The new place!!

Welcome to our new HOME! Let me give you a quick virtual tour (these are kind of the before pictures... I'll post some after pics once we get more settled!) Of course it's nothing like actually being there so you all have to come visit! This is the entry way... kind of the view you see when you first walk in the front door...

On your left you'll see the kitchen (check out those cute cubby holes near the front door (bottom left of this picture)...

On your right you will see the living room (setting up the TV was Char's first priority, any suprises there?)...

Then as you proceed down the main hallway you'll see the bathroom on your left (Love the double sinks!)

Then as you proceed into the bathroom you enter the shower/toliet room...

and since I'm not as blogger savvy as I may appear to some the rest of this virtual tour will have to continue in another post.

Moving day...

So the day started with picking up the U-Haul which Charlie and I thought was going to be way to big for our stuff since we had such limited furniture. Next the movers came (12:30) and reassured us that we didn't have to break down any of our furniture becuase it was all going to fit, "no problem." Then 3:o0pm rolled around and this was the situation...

So full... that they had to rearrange the stuff three times and fill the Fit and it still wouldn't all fit. Luckly we have the nicest neighbors ever and they let us store our vacuum, rock band, and bike rack at their place for the week.

Next it was off to Giant to pick up the cake for the baby shower (4:30) and then go to the shower for a little while (5-6:30). Then we ran back to the apartment to get the U-haul and head on down the road. We got to the hotel around 1am and stayed there until about 6:30am when we got up and had breakfast and headed out to Asheville!!!

Day before the move...

It's been a while since I was able to update you all as to our moving adventure so I thought I would pick up where I left off. The day before the move we drove up to Baltimore to chaperone Scott's 5th grade field trip to the National Aquarium...

We started out by watching the dolphin show and their incredible antics...

And then we got to see some spectacular jellyfish. It was a blast all around and we were so happy to have the opportunity to see the aquarium before we left.

Monday, June 14, 2010

We're moving to Asheville, Asheville, NC!

Hi all! We hope this turns out to be a fun way for you all to stay involved in our adventures as we move/settle into our new home!

A quick recap...

We found out 3 weeks ago that Joyce got a new job at Warren Wilson College (check out an overview video of the college and it's unique culture @ Since then we've been buying boxes, catching up with friends, and wrestling with bubble wrap.

On Memorial Day we said goodbye to our CUA/DC friends with a huge BBQ on our back patio (well this is actually our neighbors side, but whose keeping track?) Ryan and Janet's new baby boy, Robyn-Jude Eamon McKinney even came by!

The following weekend we said goodbye to our CNU/tidewater friends down at the OBX

Now with some goodbyes out of the way we can focus on packing...
The move is only 4 days away now and we're almost packed up! Check out all the boxes...
All the clothes, china, cds, books, and DVDs are packed... Char will tackle the kitchen tomorrow... then the pictures, photo albums, and TV will come down, you have to have your priorities, right?
Keep us in your thoughts as we tackle this crazy week/weekend!